Many homeowners are well aware of the benefits of installing a home security system simply for the security. More than two million home intrusions are reported each year in the U.S. with a little more than one-third entering through the front door and a little less than one-third finding entry through an unlocked window or door. Aside from providing security for your home, there are other benefits of having home security systems installed in your home. Read below to see the other sometimes unfamiliar benefits of having one installed.
Many people do not realize that when they have home security systems installed, their homes are protected from fire. Knowing that if a fire breaks out authorities will be notified helps to give homeowners peace of mind. This is great when everyone is at work, and no one is at home. It is beneficial while on vacation, and it can be extremely beneficial during the overnight hours. This single feature could easily be the difference between life and death.
Another thing that many people don’t realize about security systems being installed in their home is that it’s beneficial for electricity. Commercial security systems help manage electricity in homes. This can help during the times when no one is home and the heat can be turned down, or the air can be turned up. The savings from the electricity can be applied to the cost of home security installations.
Carbon Dioxide
Having a carbon monoxide system installed with your security system installation can help save your life as well. Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas is impossible for you t see or smell. This gas is breathed in and replaces oxygen in the blood with carbon monoxide. This causes the organs of the body to be deprived, causing them to shut down. The end result can be unwelcome side effects and even death. Consider installing a carbon monoxide detector with your home security system to give you added peace of mind.
Majority of homeowners have insurance on their home, and for some homeowners this can be a major cost in the overall cost of their home. Installing home security systems in your home can help save on homeowner’s insurance costs. This insurance covers majority of things that can happen to a home including weather related incidents. Weather incidents are some things that no one can control, but there are some threats that can be controlled. Intruders is one of those things that can be controlled, therefore having a security system is something that insurance companies like to see. Their appreciation is displayed through lower insurance premiums. Between the lower premiums and the saved electricity, the cost of installation or maintenance could easily be paid for.
Some parents hire a care provider for their children or their elderly parents while they are at work. A home security system that allows you to log into the internet and see what is going on at home can be beneficial to check up on how things are going. This can also help you keep an eye on younger kids who may be left alone for a while. Many parents feel better knowing that they can log in and check on their kiddos. Home security systems allow parents to do just this.
These added benefits can help homeowners save money on installation of home security systems. Knowing these benefits can help individuals make a wise decision concerning protecting their homes, families and their assets. Weigh the pros and cons and consider all your options before making a decision on whether a home alarm system is the best bet for your household.