There are many reasons that employees of all kinds are unhappy with their places of work. For one thing, far too few employees feel that they are given as much support as they need, no matter what line of work it is that they might be in. As a matter of fact, up to 80% of all employees in the United States do not feel their manager or superior is actually doing an adequate or good job at ensuring that and encouraging them to do their best work, leaving a scant one fifth of the working population to feel that this is actually the case.
And, of course, this is only just one problem faced by many employees, as anyone working for the typical HR executive search agency will all too easily be able to attest to. After all, issues abound in the workforce, such as a lack of proper on boarding processes seen in many a place of work. When an employee is not given the proper training – or enough of it – it is far less likely that they will find success or happiness in this particular role – or even in that line of work as a whole. Without proper on boarding, far too many employees feel ill prepared for the job that they have been tasked with, something that can do a lot of damage when it comes to lowering overall employee morale. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated issue, but instead one that is far too prevalent all throughout the country and all throughout the many industries and areas of work that can be found within it.
Of course, the consequences of this are quite severe, as any human resources consultant working for an HR executive search agency will be able to make note of. Most predominantly, such HR consultants from an HR executive search agency are likely to say, is the issue of employee retention. In fact, employee retention rates are becoming only more and more problematic as time passes on. The June of 2015 alone saw more than two and a half million people leave their places of work voluntarily, a more than one quarter increase from the year before it. And in the time since, employee retention has remained an issue.
This is particularly true for the Millennial generation, a generation that has been saddled with a great deal of debt, particularly in the form of student loans. Unfortunately, this means that Millennials are constantly looking for the best option, the one that can provide them with the most stability and success. For this reason and others, up to 60% of all Millennials have stated that they would be more than willing to leave their current place of work if a new and better job were offered to them. Unfortunately, this has earned them the title of the “job hopping generation,” though many issues regarding employee retention are not theirs to be faulted for.
But taking steps in the right direction is something that any HR executive search agency knows to be possible. As a matter of fact, the typical HR executive search agency can even be helpful in this regard, at least when it comes to choosing the proper employees. Finding the right fit for a role – and providing them with proper and decently extensive training – is something that can make a world of difference in the success that this employee in question is able to have with the place of business in question. Of course, keeping employees happy should also be a major consideration that is made.
Many businesses and places of work have chosen to do this through employee recognition programs of varying natures. After all, the success rates of such employee recognition programs are high, with more than 85% of all companies reporting a successful increase in overall employee happiness on a company wide scale. In addition to this, other aspects of employee work, like productivity as well as quality, have also been seen to increase. Fortunately, more and more an HR executive search agency is recommending such measures in the working world.