Cybersecurity is more important today than ever before. From small businesses to large corporations, in fact, network access protection services, including cybersecurity companies are responsible for the safety of the digital data that runs so much of our lives and our businesses. Without the right kind of cybersecurity in place, the financial information of companies and the personal information of individuals is at risk.
Endpoint cyber security solution needs can vary from industry to industry so it is important to work closely with any provider that you select. Fortunately, these providers are accustomed to finding individual solutions to a variety of needs. At the same time that there are many people working to defeat and stop cyber crimes there are even more people who are working to compromise systems of all sizes. In fact, cyber crime damage costs are predicted to reach as high as $6 trillion annually by the year 2021.
As an example of the amount of increased cyper crimes that occur, reports from the year 2016 the number of ransomware attacks increased 300% from 2015. This will amount to more than 4,000 attacks detected a day, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Consider some of these facts and figures about the cybersecurity industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- 42% of U.S. financial service institutions have already experienced a breach that they know of, according to a recent report from Thales.
- 12% of financial service institutions have been victims of multiple data breaches, according to the same report from the Thales report.
- Cybersecurity needs are growing so quickly that the nation is struggling to fill all of the positions. In fact, more than 209,000 cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. are currently unfilled, and postings are up 74% over the past five years.
- The latest predictions are that unfilled cybersecurity jobs will reach 1.5 million by 2019.
- As the number of internet connected devices increases so does the need for increased security. The latest research indicates that in 2015, there were about 15.4 billion Internet-connected devices. According to IHS Markit, however, by the year 2020 this number will grow to 30.7 billion, and by 2025 it will expand to 75.4 billion.
- In 2016 cyber security spending reached $28 billion. This was a significant 373% increase from the $7.5 billion the U.S government spent in 2007 to combat malicious cyber attacks.
Few issues in today’s society are more important than protecting the digital data that is so important to our lives. Finding the right endpoint security solutions is the best way to increase the confidence of customers.