For any business today, there are many assets, aside from the budget, to consider and manage. The building or buildings themselves plus their maintenance are important, as is maintenance for vehicles or the budget for the marketing department. But overall, the employee workforce, the human element, is the most critical component of any modern enterprise, big or small. Positions ranging from temp workers at the bottom to executive offices must be staffed fully so there are no empty seats, and the people in these positions must have the skills, educational background, and motivation (and possibly leadership) to keep the company moving. Often, this work is outsourced to a career placement agency, executive search consultant services, and more, and some will work with HR consultants for maximum effect. How can employment agencies specializing in HR boost a company’s performance?
The Need for HR
A workforce is a collection of people working together, and if there is friction, or if gaps in representation and skills are present, the company’s performance may be hindered. For example, a recent survey done by Robert Half revealed that 36% of 1,400 executives belied that the main factor leading to a bad hire, aside from issues with performance, is the wrong skills match work. The next highest reason was unclear performance issues, at 30%. And sometimes, workers believes that external causes are harming their motivation. It has been shown in a Gallup poll that 2 out of 10 workers fell that their managers are doing a good enough job encouraging them to work their best. And on a final note, at the end of June 2015, some 2.7 million workers had voluntarily left their jobs, which represents a 25% increase from two years before that. With obstacles like these, how can employment agencies specializing in HR turn things around for a business? And how will human resources consultants effect change?
The Power of HR
Employment agencies specializing in HR work to match candidates for HR positions with employers who need their particular skills, experience, educational background, and personality for their work environment. A business may have a hard time doing this itself, so instead, the work is outsourced to employment agencies specializing in HR. This can greatly reduce employee turnover due to unmatched skills, educational background, or personal goals and vision. Employment agencies specializing in HR, in short, do the same work as another type of job placement agency, but for HR departments in particular.
Once employment agencies specializing in HR have done their work, the HR staff in a company may coordinate with top managers to ensure good communication and business flow between the managers and the staff. For example, employee morale can be boosted when managers express their gratitude for the employers’ work and check in on their personal goals and job satisfaction with regular interviews, a few per year. Hr can also ensure more personnel diversity, which is increasingly in demand in recent years. In fact, McKinsey’s research revealed that a workplace that is gender diverse will outperform its non diverse counterparts 15% of the time, and for an ethnically diverse workplace, that figure jumps to 35%.
Employee turnover rates may drop if the HR staff is fully qualified and motivated, and this saves the company money; going through high rates of employee turnover is expensive, and enough of it necessitates outsourcing labor over and over to employment and temp agencies. And an HR consultant is a professional who is intimately familiar with a company’s HR policies and can advise the rest of the HR department on how to implement policy, and when and why, according to Human Resources MBA. An HR consultant will also answer questions on policy and offer training sessions on complex HR procedures to the rest of the staff. Employment agencies specializing in HR may help a company find an HR consultant in particular if the client company lacks one.