It’s no secret that millennials are changing jobs more than ever these days. Dubbed the “Job Hopping Generation,” six in 10 millennials are open to a new job at any given time, more than other generations.
Switching jobs isn’t unique to just millennials though. At the end of June 2015, surveys indicated that 2.7 million workers voluntarily left their jobs at the end of June 2015. Why are so many people leaving their jobs for other opportunities? There isn’t any one specific reason, but a lot of the changes boil down to three things: lack of motivation, bat fits and a lack of recognition.
Need further proof?
- According to a Gallup poll, only two in 10 workers believe their manager is doing a good job of encouraging them to do their best work.
- Nearly 86% of companies with employee recognition programs cite an increase in worker happiness.
- A recent survey by Robert Half showed that more than a third of 1,400 executives felt the top factor leading to a failed hire, aside from performance issues, is a poor skills match. The second most common reason (30%) was unclear performance objectives.
Whatever the reason for job switching, the simple truth is that many companies are left scrambling trying to fill openings because people are leaving in such great numbers. What are companies to do? The best thing for them to do is to hire the right people.
That’s where an HR executive search firm or employment agencies specializing in human resource can be helpful. With these types of consultants, companies can find the right people to fill open positions rather than just taking anyone they can.
What can the average company gain from employment agencies specializing in human resource? As it turns out, a whole lot.
One of the foremost benefits is quality talent. Rather than having to put out an ad and having to pick from less than desirable candidates, employment agencies specializing in human resource can put the best candidates in front of a company’s hiring board. One of the biggest reasons for job switching and bad hirings is poor skills match and this way, companies are getting the absolute best to pick from.
Along that same vain, another area where employment agencies specializing in human resource are beneficial is in job screening. Again, companies want to hire the cream of the crop and search consultants can easily help companies whittle down openings to a handful of candidates that a company can interview and then hire from.
Search firms and other similar agencies can be considered job hunters who can actively recruit top talent and alert companies of that talent. In this way, companies are able to interview candidates who are motivated and whose skills fit their needs.
Companies can also gain prospective during a job search. Rather than doing the same old same old and pouring over resumes, a company can take time to review what its mission is and what its really looking for in quality candidates. What does a company want prospective employees to do? What sort of skills are they looking for? By taking time to answer those questions, companies can find people who easily fit into their framework.
A company can also gain helpful solutions from search firms. Nowadays companies love to talk about looking at things with a fresh perspective and thinking outside the box. Search firms can give companies job candidates who offer just those things: they’re talented, motivated and armed with plenty of skill to help a company do what it does best and maybe even offer suggestions and solutions for making the company more efficient.
No matter the job or industry they deal in, companies are always looking for people with the right skills and temperament when it comes to job openings. Not only do they want skill, but they want people who match their company values and ideals. With employment agencies and search firms, companies can fill vacancies quickly and with quality workers who will make them better.