If you are an engineer, architect, or builder, you could benefit greatly from construction software. But what is construction software? And how does construction software work? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about construction software.
Let’s start with what construction software is. Construction software is used to manage thousands of construction projects across the country and around the globe.
For example, this software makes it easy for an engineer in Seattle to collaborate with an architect in Dallas and the owner in New York, to build in Austin. People that otherwise would have a hard time communicating and meeting due to different time zones, can have all the information they need at their fingertips with construction software.
Construction software gains more users every day when they sell as a single annual license with no per-user seat license. What this means is that when you buy an annual license, you can bring on as many project team members as you need without any additional charges.
Looking to learn more about construction software and how it works? Watch the video above to learn everything you need to know!