Altera is a company of design software that provides a multiplatform design environment that can adapt to your specific design needs. The Altera Quartus II design software has solutions for all CPLD and FPGA design phases. Learn how to program your Altera FPGA through the steps below.
The first thing you need to do when programming your Altera FPGA is to set up the Quartus software and upload it to the Altera Cyclone FPGA.
Steps to Setting up the Quartus software:
1. Open the Quartus icon on the desktop.
2. Click on New Project Wizard on the Quartus File tab.
3. Create a parent drive on your flash disk and then create a child folder within it to store the particular lab. Name the folders.
4. The computer will prompt you to add files. Do not add any files. Click Next.
5. Select the board you will be using.
6. Click Next when the computer prompts you to specify EDA tools.
7. Finish the setup.
Once the setup is finished, you need to begin to enter gates and create a schematic program that will be executed on the hardware development board. Follow the link above for a comprehensive guide on how to do this.