From HR structure models to finding candidates most suitable for the job, human resources consultants play pivotal roles in improving employee retention. And as many a human resources consultant is all too aware of, this is something that is certainly quite a bit more necessary than ever before. After all, employee retention rates have been falling quite dramatically over the course of recent years.
For instance, the year of 2015 saw more and more employees leaving their jobs on a voluntary basis. The June of that year alone saw up to two and a half million – even more, as a matter of fact – employees do just that. From the June of the year of 2014, this marked an increase of nearly one quarter. Unfortunately, matters have only continued to grow and escalate in the years that have transpired since, making it more difficult than ever before for places of work to hold onto employees not just for a short period of time, but for the long haul.
Unfortunately, much blame has fallen to the fact that members of the Millennial generation are more prominent in the workforce than ever before. As up to 60% of all such people are willing to take a new job if it is better than their current job, it has become easy to blame Millennials and to label them as the “job hopping generation” without much further thought. However, the problem often goes much deeper than this, as any given human resources recruiter or outplacement consulting professional will likely be all too aware of, to say the very least.
HR structure models can help to put things back on track, provided that they are given through a skilled human resources consulting firm or likewise organization. HR structure models can help companies and other such places of business to fix what has gone wrong, and these HR structure models provided can be hugely influential in the overall ability of companies to get back on top of the issue of employee retention. After all, HR structure models can certainly help to rectify the problem within the company, gutting the structure and building things back up again. Ultimately, HR structure models are an important tool and HR structure models certainly cannot be dismissed when it comes to dealing with the problem of overall employee retention and poor retention rates, such as are seen from one end of the country to the next (and everywhere in between as well, of course).
And implementing HR startup models is certainly not the only way in which employee retention can be improved. In addition to implementing said HR startup models, better incorporating diversity throughout the workplace is something else that can certainly go a long way towards bettering the workplace environment. After all, a working space that is gender diverse can outperform, on average, other work spaces that are not by as much as a full 15%. And work spaces that are ethnically diverse can do it by as much as a full 35%. Therefore, diversity is certainly not something to be taken lightly or overlooked in terms of its overall importance. For many people, as a matter of fact, diversity (or perhaps a lack thereof) can even make or break a workplace experience, to say the very least. At the end of the day, it is something that has continued to gain importance as we have advanced with time, to say the very least.
At the end of the day, the issue of employee retention and such poor rates surrounding it is most certainly a serious one. Of course, it should be taken seriously as well by all who are impacted by it (which includes a great number of people, to say the very least). Fortunately, however, there is a great deal of hope for such matters, as even employee recognition programs have been found to help in at least 86% of all cases through their ability to increase overall employee happiness. In the years that are to come, many people are hopeful that such matters will only continue to grow and improve for companies throughout the country.