Creating a colocation environment for the technologies that you use is highly advisable. After all, you want to be positive that you are able to back up any and all data that you possess before something bad might happen to it. If you use a strategy of storing your data in more than one place, then it is possible for you to count on that information and data being where you need it to be.
Make sure you think about some of the different ways that you can get value out of the partner that you work with for the process of co-locating your technology. You need to make sure they offer services that will help you keep things cool and allow your technology to function how it is supposed to function. If you have that going for you, then there is little that could ever hold you back.
Plenty of people have been in the same position that you are in now. Make sure you think about how you would like to approach the process of keeping your data safe and secure whenever possible. Make sure that the data is secure but also that you are able to access it when you require it. Otherwise, you aren’t going to necessarily have done yourself any favors. Fortunately, most providers can provide this kind of security for you with no problems.