The frenzy of the holiday shopping is a distant past. Even those crazy few days after Christmas of customers returning and exchanging gifts seem like a distant memory. In fact, there are many hours, sometimes an entire day that goes by when you do not even have a customer.
If you are a business owner who is looking for ways to make sure that every day is a success, now might be the time to talk to a web design firm about updating not only your company website, but also your approach to all of your digital marketing. From social media engagement to internet marketing tips, a web design firm can offer its clients a number of options to increase not only traffic to your website, but also traffic into your store. In fact, marketing strategies for private schools and marketing for doctors, as well as marketing strategies for commercial clients all share some common characteristics. Characteristics that may at first feel unfamiliar to you if you are not experienced with the world of digital marketing.
Sitting down for a one on one conference with internet marketing experts can help businesses of size and even private organizations come up with a plan that will help you capture the attention of customers and clients who start many of their shopping and exploring experiences with an internet search engine. Consider some of these recent statistics about the services that a web design firm might be able to offer you:
- 81% of marketers said they optimize social videos for mobile platforms, according to a 2017 report.
- 72% of consumers indicate that positive reviews make them trust a local business, according to the 2015 Search Engine Journal.
- 47% of marketers indicate that they publish four or more marketing videos per month, according to a 2017 Animoto study.
- Content marketing can lead to an estimated 40% increase in revenue, according to the latest research.
- 94% of people indicate that web design is the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website.
- 80% of marketers consider increasing overall conversion a major priority for website optimization programs.
If you find yourself twiddling your thumbs now that the holiday shopping season is over, you should make a call to a web design firm and see what services they can offer you to help you attract new customers, as well as stay connected with current customers.