There’s a good chance that we simply plug our phones in without thinking about the technology that allows us to do so. Words like “USB cables” and “cell phone cables” are so ubiquitous these days that we take them for granted. There is an enormous amount of cords that wire us in to the digital world — everything from connecting to the Internet, transferring pictures, emails, and more from device to device, bringing music, movies, and TV shows from the theatre into our own homes, and so much more with cell phone accessories. So what are cell phone cables exactly? What happens when the cell phone cables we’re issued when we purchase our phones break or get lost? How do you connect your devices in other ways? These are all questions we never really think about until we’re directly faced with the problem or question.
Let’s Talk About Our Phones
In the modern world, we’re practically glued to our phones (I’m sure everyone has a story about nearly walking into someone or something because he or she was on their phone, or because the other person was on their phone). Because of their heavy use, phones typically need to be recharged at least once per day (and older phones probably need to be charged far more frequently). It’s important to make sure that you’re keeping your cell phone cables well maintained and that you’re getting new ones if you need them. Damaged and frayed phone chargers can actually be a fire hazard. In 2008, electrical fires, failures, or malfunctions were responsible for over 50,000 home fires, which killed over 500 people, injured almost 1,500, and were a costly $1.4 billion in terms of property damage. Yikes!
Although many argue the company made charger that your phone company ships with your new device is the most efficient way to charge our phone, the mark-up on those chargers can be exorbitant. Many other companies make knock-off brand chargers that work just as well and often cost significantly less. You should always, of course, check reviews and make sure you’re getting the right product to avoid damage to your phone.
So What Charges Our Phones?
Most phone chargers use USB cables. One end can plug into a computer or a power adapter that plugs into the wall and the other end plugs into your phone (with an end like lightning cables). The USB cable keeps the phone versatile — although many people can sync content like pictures or music wirelessly from device to device now, others prefer to plug their phones into their computers to transfer content, as they feel it’s more secure. The USB cable format allows them to do so. USB cables can also be used to transfer content from cameras, tablets, printers, scanners, and other electronic devices to the computer.
Where Can I Find Cell Phone Cables?
If you’re in the market for bulk USB cables or just a replacement cell phone cable, you have a couple different options. One option is to get in touch with your phone company and order a replacement cable directly from them. You’ll know that the cable is meant specifically for your phone and won’t have to worry about getting a low quality “one-size-fits-all” cable.
Alternatively, there are plenty of other knock off brand cell phone cables that work just as well. They’re designed to fit an array of cell phones and cost significantly less than the “name brand” cables. If you’re not too worried about having the cable meant specifically for your phone and do your research to find legitimate ones, this can be a good, cost-saving alternative. Electronic stores will also have cables you can peruse if you don’t want to order online or aren’t sure exactly what type you need. The sales representatives in the store can also be helpful in matching your device to the cable you need.
If your cell phone cable breaks or is lost, don’t panic! There are plenty of other ways to get a new one that will keep your phone charged and you wired in to the rest of the world. Replacing your old cell phone cable can also often be a relatively inexpensive purchase!