Big ideas can have small beginnings.
When you first made the decision to carry a few clothing items in the extra space in the front room of your photography studio, it was a simple choice to offer the girls who came in for their senior pictures some alternatives and fun choices that coordinated well with your studio. As outfit after after flew out of the store, however, you realized that the idea for a small clothing boutique could be a pretty profitable venture. A major contributing factor is the fact that the town where you live really does not have any shopping options. The fact that you have a great eye for fashion, obviously has played into the success as well.
In addition to the lack of competition and your eye for fashion, though, you have also had the help of a website development team that has driven a large amount of traffic to your social media sites and your company website as well. Although you have always had a fairly good sized following checking in to see the latest proofs that you post of senior pictures, as well as family photos and engagement and wedding pictures, the latest push by the website development team has been very effective.
Could a Web Development Team Help Move Your Small Ideas Into Big Successes
Success does not happen on accident. In today’s competitive world, in fact, success can be very difficult to achieve, especially if you do not have a website development team on your side. In fact, search engine optimization (SEO) services provided by website development teams can make a significant difference in the profits that companies of all sizes see.
- Finding your place in today’s competitive market requires paying attention to the power of social media, as well as making sure that original content finds the right audience. Unfortunately, few business owners have the time that it takes to achieve a strong internet presence.
- Instead of taking time away from the job that you are trying to do and focusing on your products and your services, the best way to drive content to your site is to work with an advertising agency that specializes in SEO content and optimization.
- Nearly 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. This means that if your company does not catch the attention of potential customers with they initiate these searches, you will likely lose out on the opportunity to grow your business.
- Depending on the power of social media to bring in new business is be coming more and more popular. In fact, 41% of local businesses depend on social media networks to drive their revenue.
- In the U.S. alone, a total of $6.8 billion was spent on various digital media formats in the year 2015.
- No one person can handle the running of a company, the training of employees, the payments to employees, and the marketing of a company. the best company owners, instead, delegate some responsibilities so that they can focus on the core intent of the business plan, rather than ineffectively dabble in SEO marketing tasks.
- Given that the U.S., as of 2016, spent nearly $190 billion on marketing, they have been labeled as the largest advertising market in the world.
- Studies by by Outbrain show that search is the number one driver of traffic to content sites. Search, in fact, beat social media by more than 300%.
- Until your company understands the power of digital data, you likely will not reach the levels of success that you want.
- Cute puppies and sleepy kitties dominate the social media posts several times during a week.
- Can you imagine the power if your website development team could generate the same amount of attention for your products or services as the adorable fluffy animals that take social media by storm?
- Estimates from 2016 indicate that, 57% of consumers reported thinking more highly of businesses after seeing positive reviews and comments on the internet.
- Social media profiles are used by as many as 70% of the entire population of the America. Perhaps even more telling is the fact that 50% use two or more network.
- Social media comments are so powerful some companies offer incentives to their customers who will post positive reviews.