We spend an average of eight hours working every day, but in the event of an unplanned layoff, we may wonder how to best spend our time. Restructuring consulting firms want to help you find your next position, and people who put in the time to improve their resume and their visibility online may find themselves fielding job offers sooner than their peers. If you are in the grips of a layoff or restructuring, take the time to invest in yourself as a brand, and market yourself and your talents to a local HR executive search consultant.
The first thing to do is to revamp your resume. Experts say that you should be updating your resume about once per fiscal quarter in order to have it reflect your current skill set. Although we may feel a bit reluctant to include major work accomplishments, potential employers need to know these facts in order to make solid hiring decisions. Often, a restructuring consultant can help you walk through updating an older resume. What have you contributed to your workplace? What are the major milestones and accomplishments that an HR executive search consultant can present to a potential employer?
After updating your resume, take a quick inventory about where you would like to end up working. Do you want to make the shift to working from home? Would you like to explore life in a new city? HR executive search consultant firms want to know where you would like to live and work: making the switch to a new city may be just the impetus you need to find a long-term position. Although companies used to downsize to deal with pressing financial concerns and to avoid bankruptcy, nowadays they are ask likely to downsize just to become a tighter, leaner unit – downsizing in advance of any problem. Restructuring consulting firms can help displaced workers find a new unit to become a part of: your skill set could be precisely the thing that another company is looking for.
For example, new enterprise platform software is enabling American manufacturers to go farther with robotic employees than ever before. Anticipated large scale layoffs of skilled workers are being offset by the need for more programmers and managers who can work with both people and “robotic employees.” For every downsized position, there are several more available, especially in the fields of computer programming and robotics. You may find a company that will support your efforts to return to school, for example, or you may find that you can go to school from home. As long as you can continually enhance your skill sets and your credentials, you stand a good chance of being noticed by HR executive search consultant firms.
While your morale may be down following a corporate downsizing, take heart in the fact that talent acquisition teams are specifically looking for new managerial candidates. If you are looking to travel or to relocate to a new town, ask for a short-term assignment to help you figure out if you’d like to stay. It’s okay to take some time to rethink your priorities and to figure out what your next step is: more Americans than ever have started their own business as a supplement to their work income. If you have a thriving side business, a layoff could be a good time to expand your hobbies into a full time job. There are thousands of people who make millions every year from online retail sales. Take your time to figure out what you should do next, and consult with outplacement services before you decide: talented employees will always be in high demand.