If you are interested in starting your own Minecraft server and running your own community, you might need some help if you’ve never done this before. While getting started can be exciting, it helps to be prepared and to take advice from someone who has done it before. In this video, you will learn the basics in order to get started as well as what it means to run a community and what it’s going to take.
The video will show you how to buy a Minecraft server hosting service and what to look for so you don’t get overwhelmed. It will give you some tips and things to keep in mind.
Once you have it setup, you need to think about what kind of community you want to build. Think of a mission statement and goals and what kind of players you want to draw in. Don’t forget to name it and start a Discord server. The video will also help you know how to vet players before letting them onto the server, including using an application. Eventually, you may need to upgrade your server as you get more players to join.